什么是大学实习? There are many benefits to gaining experience before graduation.

对于任何期待毕业的大学生来说,现实世界的经验都是无价的工具. But how to gain experience when you are at entry level? A college externship could be the solution to the catch-22 of education and experience. 通过寻找并进入一所以实习形式提供真实世界经验的大学, 像你这样的学生可以获得宝贵的经验,这在简历上看起来很棒. 继续往下读,了解更多.


Externships differ from internships 在几个关键方面. 实习通常持续时间较短,平均只持续几天. Internships may be months long and include job responsibilities. Externships are more of an observational opportunity. This gives the student a taste of the industry and the work, without the long-term commitment or responsibility of an internship.

While both opportunities provide valuable experience, 实习可能是实现你的教育目标的更快的途径.

What is the Role of an Extern?

实习生应该在现场观察、提问并向专业人士学习. Strive to always arrive on time or early, 保持在场和参与, and adhere to any dress code requirements. 如果可能的话,当你被介绍给新朋友时,写下你的名字和工作头衔. 你在实习期间遇到的工人是你新生活的开始 专业的网络.

还记得, 你是来学习的, 以及决定这是否是你未来想要追求的环境类型或角色. 沉浸其中,仔细反思你在实习期间学到的和看到的.



经验: 当你在你的行业中寻找工作时,在你的研究领域获得经验和曝光是一个巨大的优势. Take this opportunity to ask questions, 测试你的知识, 并深入了解工作的日常责任和职责.

网络: Along with the hands-on experiences you could gain, students also benefit from connections made during an externship. 你可能会遇到业内的专业人士,他们可能会成为有价值的联系人. 开始建立你的 专业的网络 while in college and set yourself up for success. You never know from where (or who) an opportunity may come.

信心: 在行业实习期间磨练你的技能也能增强你的信心. 当你对自己的能力有信心时,别人也很容易对你有信心. 努力培养具体的工作技能和一般的软技能:沟通, 时间管理, 团队合作, and problem-solving will serve you well in any environment.

How to Find and Apply for Externships

Many colleges work with students to find 校外实习的机会. 一所实践性强的大学可能有行业联系和合作伙伴关系,这对像你这样的学生有利. 和你的导师或职业服务部门谈谈,看看你有什么实习机会.

严格遵守所有的申请说明是很重要的. 仔细检查你的工作. 让你的朋友、家人、老师、同学和指导老师过目一遍. Be sure to take all feedback into consideration.

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What to Expect During Your Externship

During your externship, you will likely be in an observational role. 你可能会跟随一个人或一个部门一两个星期. Make the most of this time with:

积极倾听: This means you’re listening to understand, not to respond. Tune into all meetings or one-on-ones. Listen carefully and thoughtfully. Even if you think you know the material being discussed, 了解你所处的任何工作环境的心态和流程都是很重要的.

笔记: 在会议或讨论中做笔记是一项被低估但非常有用的技能. 养成记录的习惯,无论是在纸上还是在笔记本电脑上. Whether you need the point of reference or not, 它表明你在倾听并致力于聊天的目的.

热情: 带着激情和动力去参加校外活动是成功的关键. 没有人期望你成为专家,但他们确实希望你渴望学习. Keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities to observe new skills, 参加团队会议, 与他人合作. 谁知道? 如果你给合适的人留下好印象,你的实习经历可能会变成一份工作.

Tips for a Successful Externship

  • 设定目标: 确定你想从这次经历中学到什么,并与你的导师或你正在跟随的员工分享. 把你的努力集中在尽可能多地学习你想要的专业领域上.
  • 是积极的: When not actively engaged with a worker, don’t just stand around idly and text your friends, 或滚动TikTok. 问问题,提供帮助,或者集思广益解决你职权范围内的问题.
  • 沟通清楚: 无论是书面的还是口头的,在与他人交流之前,收集和组织你的想法. Speak with professional language and tone, 提供最新进展, and ask for clarification where you need it.
  • 表现出热情: A positive attitude can get you far, especially at entry-level. 任何人都可以学习一项任务或工作的技能,但贡献的渴望是无法教的.
  • 建立关系: Be polite, respectful, and professional to everyone you meet. 让别人喜欢和你一起工作是很重要的.
  • 专业: Treat your externship like one long, extended job interview. 穿着适合你的领域和角色,说话专业,问问题.
  • 从错误中学习: Everyone makes them, but not everyone learns from them. 帮自己一个忙,养成在任何情况下都能看到希望的习惯吧. A mistake is a learning experience, and you’re there to learn.
  • 跟进: 在实习结束后,给你的房东发一封感谢卡或电子邮件总是一个不错的选择. 这可以帮助你在公司招聘员工的时候成为首选——谁知道呢!

Strengthen Your Skills in an Externship

An externship could be the perfect way to finish your education. 利用实习机会观察你所在行业的员工的工作情况, 问一大堆问题, 获得实践经验, 磨练你的软技能.

Not only does an externship help your work skills, but it also demonstrates your commitment to your field. 通过承担这个责任,你已经超越了毕业的要求. What employer wouldn’t want an employee like that?

A College Externship Could Help You Grow

学习一门语言最好的方法就是让自己沉浸其中,对吗? Well, the same goes for education. By immersing yourself in your studies and attending an externship, you could become “fluent” in your industry.

大学实习是大学生在他们的研究领域获得实践经验的好方法, 建立有价值的关系, 提高他们的技能. If you’re studying to become a professional in your field, consider a college externship to really make your resume stand out.


澳门网上赌场官方网站录取 实践教育,维护雇主关系,提供实习机会 给学生. Your career services advisor can help you take the next steps today. Contact 澳门网上赌场官方网站 to learn more and get started. 它可能是 你做过的最好的决定!

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